Friday, January 10, 2014


Timing is a lot. Today my brother was told that he can go to a large city and compete there in a school contest. Cool, right? The problem is he needs to go the day after tomorrow and there's papers to do and all that. So now we're not that super excited as we could have been. How hard would it have been to tell us a week ago? To give us time to do all the official stuff and just get used to the idea that he's going? And we'd be so much more interested in doing this.

 There are a lot of times when timing is important, like when you're asking a favor or asking someone to forgive you. For some it's more important than for others, but it's always there, I think.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

 How about you? Do you think timing is important? What are some times you plan when to say something or do something?

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