Saturday, October 11, 2014

Trusting in God no matter what

~Saturday Stories~

Sometime last month I had an interesting history assignment that said to pretend I was a woman in colonial America. I was to write my family in England a letter. Here is what I got:

Dear family,

The first thing I would say is to quote Philippians 4:13, that says “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”  I would not like to trouble you with my weary beings, but you yourself have asked to keep nothing secret, but to share with you all that happens in this place you call ‘the wilderness’. Indeed, it is a wilderness and one I wouldn’t wish many to come upon. But I have already written to you about how I felt on it and how the Lord gave me strength to overcome my first dislike. Now to the daily life I am now living, which all of you, and especially Mother, were most interested in. I have married a man of good character and am now pregnant with his child. We have as good a house and land as can be found here, and for that matter in England itself. I am continuously working either in the kitchen and garden or tending the few animals we hold. In the evenings I sew, which I have found to be a much more pleasing task now that I know it will be for my own husband’s good. My husband, as most, works in the field tending to the crop. It takes it him most of the morning, day and evening and I often look forward to his coming in for his meals. As for the church, the one here is much like any other church in New England. I know you were never especially approving of Puritanism, but I have found that it is not as bad as we had thought it. I leave this statement to your judgment, Father. The child I am bearing is to come in about a half years’ time and I will surely write to you on the occasion. Tell me about your own faring, especially of Father’s work since you have mentioned the lack of it in your last letter. God bless you all, my dear and loving family,

Anna Goods

Any thoughts or suggestions? Isn’t it amazing how God never let down these people, even when it seemed so hard?  

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