Friday, August 8, 2014

Best friends are like diamonds

~Friday for Friends~ 

Today I'm going to try something different for the Friday for Friends post. Please comment and tell me if you like this better than the usual Friday for Friends post series or not. 

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere
~ Author Unknown ~ 

Best friends ARE rare. I think most of us would say we've only had one, maybe two. Some might say they never had one. Me? I have been blessed with two best friends, not at the same time, but still.

I'm sure you know the saying "if you want to have a friend, be a friend".  But do we really understand it? It is really easy to keep wishing and wishing for the best friend ever and to forget that we can become those friends ourselves. 

As a more or less quiet person, I sometimes hope that someone will come over to me and say "hey, let's be friends". But what I CAN do is come over to someone even more quiet and say the same thing. We might want our friend to tweak their schedule a bit to fit ours, spend time with us when they could do other things, make us laugh. But we can start with ourselves, right? Or at least try. 

Won't it be amazing when someone thinks about us as that "diamond, precious and rare"?

Jesus is the PERFECT BFF. He comes over when we are still sinners and sais "Hey, want to be free? Want to be my friend?' He is always there for us and He will always help us. Even if we don't have a best friend here on Earth we do have One who walked on Earth and died and rose for us. The One that will be waiting for us to say "yes; I SO want that". 


  1. I love this post Sofia! I have had to learn that this year that Jesus is the perfect BFF and knows me inside and out! It has helped me get through times when I feel like my friends don't always understand, but they are still like diamonds to me! Love those girls! Thanks for the post!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. It's so amazing that the Almighty God would want to be friends with us, isn't it? I have a friend now too who is a great diamond! I'm so blessed that way!
