Friday, August 1, 2014


~Friday for Friends~

"Acknowledge" is the next word in the Friday for Friends post series. It means "to admit the truth, existence or reality" (Webster's dictionary, 1993.) Let's take the first meaning.

Sometimes admitting the truth or the fact that we were wrong is...hard. Especially when we think that someone will look down at us or jeer  "I told you".

But we need to be able to say/admit the truth even when it hurts us. "I am sorry" or "you were right" or "wow, that would never occur to me" or "ya, I need to change that". As long as you're being respectful, truth can be something that brings you closer with your friends. Or anyone else really.

Being honest with God is great too. The plain "I am SO lost, Lord, can you help?" can go a really long way. God knows what you're feeling, but I think He likes it when we talk to Him about... well, everything (problems and doubts included). He'll help us sort it out.

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father....
Matthew 6:8b-9a (NIV).

God is a loving Father. That is so cool.


  1. That's a really neat post! Very encouraging!
    Also, I am here to tell you that I have nominated you for either The Inspiring Blogger Award or The Sunshine Award (or both). The link containing the info is below:

    1. Thanks! I've just done The Sunshine Award, so I'm thinking about waiting a little before doing the very inspiring one. Thanks!
